Travel Opportunities
Travel is an integral part of the overall experience at The King’s Academy. Students are afforded opportunities both domestically and internationally. This allows them to gain new insights and perspectives into other cultures, to make history come alive, and to develop strong, healthy relationships within peer groups. The King’s Academy students enjoy opportunity to travel during the 8th grade trip to Pennsylvania gaining key insight into colonial America and the events that shaped the founding of our great country. The Senior Trip has been a long standing tradition of The King’s Academy. Students are able to travel to locations of interest as a class. This is not only a highlight of the senior year, but is a culmination of their high school career. High School students are given the opportunity to serve by building homes on an annual mission trip to South America. In addition, there are co-curricular travel opportunities through The Smith Family Conservatory of the Arts classes as well as an immersion based language trip studying abroad in Spain.