Special Events
Day of Jubilee
Day of Jubilee is a TKA tradition. Elementary classes engage in a half day of friendly competition and physical feats. Team work is essential to winning the day and the students have tons of fun on the way!
Grandparents' Day
We love our Grandparents! On what may be the absolute, best day of the year, TKA welcomes hundreds of beloved Grandparents to campus. Performances by The Smith Family Conservatory for the Arts, classroom tours, professional photos, refreshments and a book fair are all hallmarks of the festive day.
Moms and Munchkins
Students and their mothers enjoy a quick-bite breakfast in the TKA Cafe. An annual event, Moms and Munchkins is an event TKA families look forward to every year!
Dads and Donuts
Each year, we invite Dads to bring their students to school a bit early for a doughnut feast. This is a favorite event that gives Dads an opportunity to come to campus and make a special memory with their child(ren).