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Authentic. Christian. Education.

Providing an authentic, Christian education is about being real, and delivering on the promise to be a school that genuinely places the Lord Jesus Christ at the center. The King’s Academy is a school where we believe in building lasting relationships. Our teachers love Christ, love students, and have a passion for teaching. The entire staff understands the importance of having Christian character and a worldview that permeates their teaching and lives. As a Christian school we carry out our mission of preparing students to live all of life to the glory of God. Teachers reach deeply into the hearts and minds of their students and seriously pursue the simultaneous development of the spirit and mind. We educate the whole child, providing a well-rounded educational experience that prepares our students for a seamless college transition and rich, fulfilling life.

TKA By The Numbers


AP Classes


Varsity Athletic Teams


College Acceptance Rate


Unique Countries of Origin


Student to Teacher Ratio


S.T.E.M. classes offered


in College Scholarships for the Class of 2024

Promoting Academic Strength

Academic excellence is a key component of The King’s Academy's mission. All grade levels uphold rigorous academic standards, and highly qualified faculty authentically engage students to promote academic success. Teachers present academic content from a biblical worldview and illustrate how all subjects point to Christ.

The high academic standards at The King’s Academy are proven to prepare students for standardized testing and college entrance exams. The IOWA Assessment is administered to students in grades K-8, while students in grades 9-12 complete the PSAT, SAT, or ACT. Student scores on standardized achievement tests are consistently in the top 15% of the nation and demonstrate mastery in both reading and mathematics.

More than half of the Class of 2024 scored either a 1315 or higher on the SAT or a 29 or higher on the ACT, placing these students in the top 8% of approximately 3 million test takers nationwide. Numerous students achieved perfect subsection scores on both the SAT and ACT college entrance exams, and student performance on the PSAT/NSMQT has produced 9 National Merit finalists and 14 National Merit Commended Scholars over the past four years. In addition, high school students earned a collective 84% pass rate on Advanced Placement exams in 2024.

The King’s Academy equips students with an excellent academic foundation. Instruction begun in the elementary years lays the groundwork for success during pivotal times in students’ scholastic careers. Graduates from The King’s Academy enter college and life as successful problem solvers, team leaders, and inspired students who impact and improve the communities in which they serve.  

1315-1505 SAT scores achieved by 50% of the class of 2024
29-34 ACT scores achieved by 50% of the class of 2024

One hallmark of our 50-year history has been the ability to integrate Faith & Learning, while adapting to progress in education. We offer an authentic, Christian, college preparatory education.

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